Thursday, October 28, 2010

Teaching children

I would want to teach my children
  • cause and effect more than right and wrong
  • that happiness is what ultimately matters in life
  • that everyone else's happiness matters as much as ours
  • to believe that anything is possible if we put out heart, mind and soul into it
  • to fear nothing in life
  • and try.


Vijay said...

very good points man...

the truth is i learnt some of these principles very late in my life... some of these things after i turned 30... and i still have trouble understanding a couple of items in your list even now...

happiness is what ultimately matters... and happiness is always a state of mind... it is something only you can bring about...

VR said...

The hardest part of this is to be a good example consistently. The key I would think is to know yourself and not take it so seriously that it becomes the only thing that matters.