Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What's next on the Web

Since last week or so, I have been trying to find a very very simple but useful app which I would construct to start my experience developing with GWT. I wanted the web app to serve a useful purpose. That was and is my most important goal. I would say that so far, I haven't been very successful. I came up with some ideas, but they wouldn't be anything special and more useful than something that already exists out there.

Here is an opinion, or rather a question.

I think web technology in the last decade or so has crossed an important barrier in its providing us abilities to communicate effectively. The advent of social networks has made people feel more connected than before. IP voice, chats, video conferencing, photo & video sharing on internet have all helped us stay much closer to people & information, more effectively and at lesser costs in recent times. Web 2.0 was the era of improving communication. Perhaps it was the weakest problem that had the most impact on most people's lives. And technologists pounced on it.

Is communication still the most important problem now? Will more solutions for general communication problems still have significant benefit? Or are there other (perhaps weaker) problems whose solutions will have a far greater impact in how we do things?

Just trying to change the way I think...

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