Sunday, February 22, 2009

Photography Tip - Filtering Albums

Here is one photography tip I have not seen in many tutorials and web sites. This tip is more applicable with the advent of digital photography which allows us to take pictures using renewable resources and allows us to experiment more without losing much.

Once we download the pictures from our digital camera to our computer, we often neglect the step of filtering the good images from the not-so-good ones. Many times, we just upload our entire album to the internet and share our link with our friends.

I have just noticed that it makes a remarkable difference to the albums if I filter them by setting aside the mediocre pictures. Improperly lit pictures, repeats from experimentation, badly framed ones, mistakes, are all candidates for removal. Variety is also important to retain attention of the viewer.

I don't claim to be a professional photographer, but with just this simple step of removing the bad pictures from my albums, I have been able to give the good pictures a different level of appreciation they deserve.


Vijay said...

Adding just a few pictures, with captions and providing some context makes albums very meaningful....

Swami said...
