Sunday, August 10, 2008


It has been six years since I moved to Phoenix to do my Masters. In these years I have seen many friends come to Phoenix and stay, and add meaning to our lives, and many close friends leave for good. This month, my very close friend is about to leave, and it may very well happen that I will leave too in the next few months. This moving away feeling brings me to the thoughts in this post.

Many times, we feel we are indispensable. We feel that the value we create in our profession, in our community, in our social groups etc cannot be replaced.

The reality is nothing in this world is indispensable. The world will move on no matter what. The world does not and cannot revolve around us. People may be grateful for the service rendered, but they will not collapse in our absence. It is best to sincerely contribute when we have the opportunity, and let go, moving on to the next one when time comes, without trying to reap the fruits of the value we may have created.

The other story is also true. I may leave, but need not leave in sadness that I will not find what I have found here elsewhere. Happiness is what you create around yourself, it is not found only in a specific place or only around certain people. No city or town or social group is indispensable either.


Unknown said...

Very true, I agree wholeheartedly. I've been feeling some of these thoughts myself, what with the recent changes in life.

Any likelihood of seeing you in the bay area ?

Shiva said...

For in Pursuit of Happiness, man finds himself and starts to believe that the world is a better place wherever he goes afterwards....