Saturday, June 21, 2008


For some reason, I have never been a fan of "authority". Authoritative leadership and management styles have never impressed me in any way.

I am the kind of person who is more pliable with persuasive/inspiration based leadership and management. I am not comfortable sharing my opinions with people who are authoritative and threatening. I stop looking at the actual problem and become defensive. I stop thinking creatively.

What do I consider authoritative leadership?

An authoritative leader
  • forces his opinion on people. He does not let people make their decision.
  • needs to control to see things done the "right" way.
  • needs to create fear of consequence in order to get things done.
  • will try not to give any impression that he could be wrong because he is supposed to be right, otherwise he cannot command respect.
  • grooms puppets, not self-reliant thinkers.
  • trusts very few.
An inspiration based leader
  • tries to persuade and convince based on reason, and also allows himself to be convinced if reason prevails.
  • knows that there is something to learn from everyone.
  • does not use his power and position to dictate terms with people.
  • cares to first understand what the other person is thinking, and tries to start from there.
  • acts more and talks less.
  • does not fear to admit mistakes.
  • allows people to make mistakes as long as they learn from them.
  • can be trusted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

High 5! Well said. Couldn't have done it better myself.