Sunday, December 23, 2007


It is so amazing to see how I thrive when I receive the proper encouragement and how disinterested I feel about things when I don't get the recognition.

I don't know if most people are like me, but I am sure many are. I need to be reassured that I am heading the right way. I need to know that people do think I am capable. This appreciation and recognition does a lot for my confidence.

However kiddish it may sound, people like me need it. It means a lot to us. Not sure if this is how I want it to be i.e. being driven by how others think of me, but I guess this is how I am right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Vish,

This is Ravi from the CIPS lab days. I just got your new blog URL from Sree. I really enjoy reading your blog and it usually is very thought provoking. Your candid posts are very refreshing. I'll try to comment my feelings on the issues you bring forth.

Your thought on encouragement is very true. I feel comfortable in the company of encouragement. On the same hand, as you pointed out it does feel immature to seek encouragement. Occasionally, I try to analyze things from an evolution perspective. It does give me some answers or atleast appears to. If you have time I recommend "The selfish gene" by Richard Dawkins. The books views are unorthodox and sometimes contoversial. But it attemtps to answer some profound questions scientifically.

Keep blogging.