Sunday, October 07, 2007

Evolution of thought

I think our way of thinking evolves.

1. Ah! This is cool thing (s)he is doing.
2. I want to learn that.
3. I want to become an expert.
4. So I have gained reasonable expertise. Now what? Why did I do this in the first place?
5. How can I use what I have learned to solve a problem?
6. Ah! This is a problem worthwhile to solve because the solution will have a good impact.
7. Go to Step 2.

I am in the first iteration of this loop at step 4. I smell step 5.


Rams said...

is it always necessary to find something to solve? or is it ok to keep building a repertoire of skills that you can tap into when the time comes?

what's the skill ure trying to use btw?

VR said...

Being a YA exposed to so much learning and new perspectives on how to live, how to give etc. Sometimes, I feel overwhelmed by the complexity of these things. The whole objective of spirituality seems unclear and daunting. When these thoughts pour in, I ask myself where am I going? What am I trying to do? I am beginning to believe that it becomes easy if we take it one by one, small things first. It is important to be yourself, take one problem at a time, bag the skills to solve it, solve it, take the next problem and go on. This experience is much more enriching than trying to realize that you are lacking.

This thing not only applies to spirituality, but to all aspects in our life. The skill I was referring to when I wrote the blog was software development.