Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Giving together

It is not possible for a group to give together before they give to each other.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Changing Others

Is it possible to love a person without the slightest desire that he/she change?

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Evolution of thought

I think our way of thinking evolves.

1. Ah! This is cool thing (s)he is doing.
2. I want to learn that.
3. I want to become an expert.
4. So I have gained reasonable expertise. Now what? Why did I do this in the first place?
5. How can I use what I have learned to solve a problem?
6. Ah! This is a problem worthwhile to solve because the solution will have a good impact.
7. Go to Step 2.

I am in the first iteration of this loop at step 4. I smell step 5.