Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Look ahead, not behind

A great leader never looks back to see who is following him. He probably doesn't even know if he indeed has any followers. All he does is look ahead to find his own way through the thickest of jungles and create a new trail so crystal clear that his 'followers' will not have the slightest hitch in treading that path for times to come.

1 comment:

Rams said...

I'm obviously reading all of these long after they were written:) don't know if situations have changed, but this post is the answer to the one about your identity and wondering what to do. You have to do what you have to do. Something I remind myself of when i take on leadership is...I've been courageous enough to take this on when everyone else just sat back and watched. Why should their criticism affect how I do something. If they want to judge and criticise, why not take on the leadership themselves. Just keep looking forward and blaze away a trail regardless of what everyone behind is saying.